NaPoWriMo Poetry Prompt #15: Day 15

New List Tomorrow!

Down Beneath The Roots of ThingsA few suggestions:

1. Combine two or more of these words and make that the title of your poem.

2. How many different forms can you create from one or more of the words?

Example: defend, defense, defendant, defender,

3. Let one of those forms suggest the topic of your poem.

Congratulations! We are half way through NaPoWriMo.

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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3 Responses to NaPoWriMo Poetry Prompt #15: Day 15

  1. julespaige says:

    Fit with a flash fiction piece:


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