Journey Stone #14 and Journal Writing Prompt #17


Journey Stone #14  Emotions

Covering the entire spectrum
of possibilities, non-judgmental
barometers meant to assist
awareness in sometimes rapid
changes of weather.

Elizabeth Crawford  2/14/11
Happy Valentines Day!


Journal Writing Prompt #17

Personal writing, keeping a journal, is about defining ones own experience, in ones own words. Having used the Journey Stones for two weeks now, I’ve decided to offer a different prompt from the usual. I will continue to do the Stones, one each day. The prompt is that you will use them as well, defining them in your own terms, and then letting them take you wherever they want to go. The definition is only a starting point, to get you on the page and open to whatever comes. If nothing comes, simply keep redefining the word until another avenue opens for you.

The words may take you to memory, a previous experience, something you’ve already written, a dream (sleeping or daydream), a story someone told you, or that you read somewhere. I am using the Stones to create one daily observation about the word itself. If you like, you may even use that as a starting point, as long as you eventually bring the writing back to your own person, feelings, thoughts, opinions, even questions.

You may totally disagree with what I write, write about that and why you feel or think that way. This is all about following and exploring your own thought and feeling processes, the better to discover your own individual definitions about how you work and why you came to work that way. Do this at least two or three times this week, if not more.

If you like you can put a time limit on your writing. I would suggest no more than thirty minutes, and yes less is fine, whatever you are comfortable with, but try for at least 10 to 15 minutes. And I would encourage you to come back and put some, if not all of it here in the comments section, or on your blog. I am very interested to see how this works out, and that would be very helpful to me. If you put it on your blog, please come back and put your URL in the comments section. I will come and take a look. If you choose to keep it completely private, that of course is your choice. However, I would ask that you come back and simply tell me how you feel about this particular prompt and if it was helpful to you.

Thanks, have fun, and write.

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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6 Responses to Journey Stone #14 and Journal Writing Prompt #17

  1. vivinfrance says:

    Stone upon stone
    he built with joy
    a strong house to shelter me

    Nice idea. I was using the haiku challenge to continue my stones, but this is better. No prompts as such means creative freedom


    • 1sojournal says:

      Actually that is what I had in mind. Using these stones as a touchstone, a place, space, more a launching pad than a map or directions. I really like what you’ve written Viv. It’s quite beautiful and filled with good feelings,



  2. Happy Valentine’s Day, Elizabeth! Eat chocolate!


  3. David King says:

    A really suggestive piece to get the imagination working – but the two words have fun are itts copper bottoming.


  4. 1sojournal says:

    Thank you David. If it isn’t fun, one should go find what is. But then one must first define what fun might be.



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