Journey Stone #7 and Journal Writing Prompt #16


Journey Stone #7  Visionary

Ability to look beyond present circumstances,
beyond the current horizon line, and see
a different, or better, outcome and often
the means by which that outcome might
be obtained. A prophet or poet.

Elizabeth Crawford  2/7/11


Journal Writing Prompt # 16

This week’s prompt is to write about lessons learned. I firmly believe that each person I meet has a lesson to teach and one that I need to learn. That doesn’t mean that every lesson is a wonderful experience. Some teachers are really good, while others are quite awful. But, no matter how bad they might be, the lesson can still be learned.

When I was in college, I had three writing  professors. One seemed to feel that a course of belittling, condescension, harassment, and ridicule would toughen the individual and also allow him/her to feel the pain necessary for the creation of great, or good Art. While another prof was quiet, more apt to aim his humor at his own person, but also encouraged his students to try new things because that’s what learning was all about. Perhaps even more important, he kept his critique of the outcome private, between himself and the student. The third teacher presented the material, history and background, then asked for a written response to that material in whatever form the student chose. I learned a great deal from all three.

Although I did learn a great deal about writing, I also learned more about what type of teacher I would prefer to be, and later, when I actually became a teacher, I could look back and see clearly how I wanted to proceed in that role. We are not born knowing how to be the people we eventually become. We learn that on the way to becoming whatever it is we do become. We learn it both through experience, but also through example.

This prompt is actually two fold. I would like you to look back on your own experiences and choose two individuals who taught you things through example, both good and bad. They do not have to have filled a role as a defined teacher, could be a bus driver, a housewife, a political figure, etc. Write two different pieces. One like my first prof, who showed me on a regular, ongoing basis, what I didn’t want to be. Another about an individual you respected enough to want to be like. Be specific about the lessons, how they came about and what you took away from them. What you do now because of those lessons you learned. School is always in session as long as we breathe.

When you have done the writing, you are more than welcomed to come back and share it, if you choose. Perhaps only a part of it. You can do that in the comments section, or leave your URL here, so we know where we can go and read it. If you choose not to share it, at least enjoy the writing. Have fun.

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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6 Responses to Journey Stone #7 and Journal Writing Prompt #16

  1. I have to come back later when am not rushing out the door, but your stone is perfect for me today, as I need to not only look beyond present circumstances but make changes to GET beyond them. Very tired. Great stone….back to read the rest later……


  2. vivinfrance says:

    This week’s prompt is a challenging one, and I hope to write about lessons learned from a nun who taught me maths between about 11 to 14. I may not share it though!


    • 1sojournal says:

      As always Viv, that is your choice. I think it’s really important to explore what others taught us and if still holds true in the present moment. Some of those things, learned from non-teachers we simply have contact with, sometimes become cornerstones in our existence.



  3. connetta says:

    I think this one has always been the one i feel is personal to what i didn’t want to be like..

    The Longest word..

    Aunt Alice liked to give advice
    Throughout my child hood years..
    “Gossip is the longest word”
    She said “Among your peers.”
    “Don’t believe no ear awaits
    A tale or two from you
    And don’t be surprised if someone tries
    To add a bit untrue”
    Now Grandpa was a wise old man
    Who alwys spok his mind
    He told me once Aunt Alice was
    Not all that Good and kind
    “Listen very hard dear child”
    He said “for time will show..
    There is in fact a longer word
    Aunt Alice doesn’t know..
    It took the most of many years
    Telling friend and foe
    That when it came to gossip
    I did not care to know.
    The only one i trusted was
    Aunt Alice all those years
    And told her all the secrets of
    My laughter and my tears.
    I came to find aunt alice had
    A lot of friends who knew
    Everything about me and
    (A Lot was added too!)
    Although i trusted her she had
    A friend she trusted too
    And they in turn had their own
    Friend and so it grew..
    I remembered Grandpas words
    And knew i’d come to see
    How Gossip is a little short
    When without loyalty
    So listen very hard dear friends
    For time will shurly show
    When one has not a loyal friend
    Gossip tends to grow.

    Connetta Jean

    Sorry for any mis-spelt words or typing errors. I typed it from memory. it’s on my blog.Spell checked.


    • 1sojournal says:

      Thank you Connetta. That is a lesson worth writing about, and remembering. Sometimes we have to learn by living through the consequences. It is said that we can learn the most important lessons from the very worse sources, if our hearts are in the right place.



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