Stone #31 aros and Journal Writing Prompt #15

For A River of Stones

The end of a journey
most often heralds
the beginning of another.

Elizabeth Crawford  1/31/11

*I am seriously considering continuing to practice these daily observations. I find they bring a keener sense of detail to most of my experience, as well as a depth to all of my writing.


Journal Writing Prompt # 15

When we first began doing these personal writing exercises, I asked you to make several lists. I want you to go back to those original lists: beginnings, personal interests, voices of resistance, and family and friends and their character qualities. Choose one or two from these four lists and write about them more fully, just as you did in the original exercise.

While looking over your original lists, you may find more things or individuals to add to them. Do that as well. These lists well serve for those times when you find yourself with a blank sheet of paper and can’t think of anything to write. They are simply suggestions and you may want to change the original approach to the topic, or make entirely different parameters about how you wish to use them.

The main prompt here, for this week, is to simply use at least one of the things you have listed to write about. If you have questions or would like to share what you have written, use the comments sections below. If you write on your blog, leave your URL here for those of us who would like to read it. As always, this is personal writing, so the choice is entirely up to you what, if anything, you might care to share and with whom. Write and have fun.

About 1sojournal

Loves words and language. Dances on paper to her own inner music. Loves to share and keeps several blogs to facilitate that. They can be found here:
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12 Responses to Stone #31 aros and Journal Writing Prompt #15

  1. Tilly Bud says:

    I hope you do keep on with the stones; I have really enjoyed them.


  2. This is such a true stone, Elizabeth. The end of one journey, the beginning of another.


    • 1sojournal says:

      We often forget that. See the end, feel it and can even miss the beginning of that new one if we linger too long. That’s when I find myself running to try to catch up. Not good at my age,



  3. vivinfrance says:

    Another stone right on target. I have a busy week, but will look at your prompt 15 later on. Thank you for all the trouble you have gone to with these. They have been a valuable contribution to my writing development.


  4. I agree, you are right on! No door closes, another doesn’t open.


  5. 1sojournal says:

    Annell, it sometimes takes a long time to know that. At least it did for me. Thanks for your words,



  6. vivinfrance says:

    Elizabeth, I have to confess that during this busy week I managed to write a piece about what music has meant to me throughout my life. I haven’t had time to edit it, so it’s too scrappy to share. But at least I did it!


  7. 1sojournal says:

    Thanks for letting me know, Viv. Am glad you are keeping track and using these suggestions,



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